Home Office Makeover: Create an Inspiring and Comfortable Workspace

The 2020 pandemic has forced many of us to work in a very different way. Whether we’ve been told to work from home for good or temporarily, having a space that is comfortable and inspiring should be at the top of your home office list.

There are a number of basic needs when it comes to having your own home office. For example, keeping your desk clean and tidy will have a direct impact on your mental health. Leaving food boxes or dirty mugs around your creative space is going to do nothing for your creativity.

There is also the basic need for light. Natural light is always king when it comes to positive mental health, and if your desk can be near an open window with fresh air and sunlight, you’re off to a great start.

Finally, ensure your working space is away from your living space. If you can, keep your desk in a separate bedroom or area which is away from where you rest and relax in the evenings. This creates a clear barrier between the ‘work and play’ boundaries.

If you have a clean and tidy desk, natural light (or artificial light that ensures you have enough brightness), and you’re away from your living space, then the home office makeover can begin.

1. Invest in a Comfortable Chair

And this one isn’t only for comfort.

The average office worker spends four to nine hours in their chair every single day. If you’re sitting in a chair that doesn’t support your back, this can have a drastic and negative impact on your posture.

Check out ergonomic chairs for fully adjustable settings and added back support. Ergonomic chairs ensure you maintain a good posture throughout the day, relieving your spine of any stress or tension (allowing all of your creative juices to flow).

2. Decorate with Green Plants

Green plants are not just there to look nice. Yes, they brighten up the space and add a bit of nature to your desk, but they’re actually proven to enhance creativity and productivity.

Research has proven that people who work in offices or at desks with indoor plants actually have an increased level of happiness and a reduced level of stress.

3. Hang a Productive Noticeboard

There’s nothing quite like having your own space for ideas, thoughts, quotes, and creativity.

Whether you enjoy hanging your doodles or use your board productively to store ideas, a colorful cork noticeboard is a great way to make use of your home office space.

4. Add Some Personality and Color

It’s your home office, make it yours! Why not add a photo of you and your family, a snap of your beloved pet, or some memorabilia from your latest vacation.

Adding some personality and color to your home office area can really enhance your productivity and happiness levels, as it allows you to express yourself in your own way.

Whether you add a pop of color with flowers, hang warm fairy lights or showcase your kid’s artwork, it will all help to make the area feel like home.

5. Control Your Wires

One of the most irritating factors of having your work desk at home is the amount of technology and equipment you’ll need. As well as ensuring you have everything to make your life easier (a printer, scanner or an Alexa to keep you going with tunes throughout the day), managing a copious amount of wires will also benefit your home office management.

Invest in a cable organizer, or drill holes in the back of your desk to ensure they can be easily tucked away. Take some time to reposition the wires and ensure they’re layered in the correct way, with a decent extension lead.

It’s possible to create an inspiring and comfortable workspace at home, a place where you feel happy and productive - just use our makeover project tips and get a little creative!